Repertoire vs. Comprehensive Examinations.

Repertoire vs. Comprehensive Examinations. Some helpful facts and personal thoughts from a teacher/examiner. Questions by AUSTAQ Responses by Loreta Fin, Senior String Syllabus Advisor - AMEBMost teachers will by now be aware that the AMEB has introduced Repertoire...

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What’s your hurry? It’s time for a Tune-up!

What’s your hurry? It’s time for a Tune-up! Understanding the value of understanding by Loreta FinAs an AMEB examiner and adjudicator, I have often heard other musicians enquire, “Is it normal to accept a certain amount of bad intonation from string players?” or “how...

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Scales in ONE POSITION – the easy way!

Scales in ONE POSITION – the easy way! Major   Key G string            D string            A string            E string            (B or Bb) L -1  0 H H (Ab or A) H H M M (G) M M L L (F) L L -1  0 H (Eb or E) O H H M (D) H M M L (C) M L L -1  0   Minor   Key G...

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LORETA FIN – BEGINNER STRING SERIES Some general points FOR THE TEACHER: REMEMBER: these are MY way of doing things. YOU can take and use ANY of them, and blend them with your own ideas, that work for YOU and YOUR kids!   All violins/vlas STAND, but can sit on...

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Conducting Workshop – University of Qld EDUC6852

Conducting Workshop - University of Qld EDUC6852 1.  What is Conducting and Why Conduct? The term “maestro” means teacher. Think about conductors you have worked with – what was good/clear What was not good/clear Most “train wrecks” are often the...

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